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Among Trees

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Among Trees
Among Trees cover
FJRD Interactive
Release dates
Windows November 10, 2021
Modes Singleplayer
Pacing Real-time
Perspectives First-person
Controls Direct control
Genres Survival
Art styles Stylized
Themes Sci-fi
Among Trees on MobyGames

Among Trees is a singleplayer first-person survival game developed and published by FJRD Interactive.

The game was released on the Epic Games Store on June 13, 2020 as an early access title, followed by criticism for not clearly stating the status on its store page.[1] By July 2, the store has started to display additional early access warnings on applicable game pages.[2]

The developer maintains a roadmap of features being developed.

General information

Steam Community Discussions


Source DRM Notes Keys OS
Epic Games Store
DRM-free after installation through Epic Games Launcher (notes may include more details)
Icon overlay.png

Game data

Configuration file(s) location

System Location
Steam Play (Linux) <Steam-folder>/steamapps/compatdata/897730/pfx/[Note 1]

Save game data location

System Location
Steam Play (Linux) <Steam-folder>/steamapps/compatdata/897730/pfx/[Note 1]

Save game cloud syncing

System Native Notes
Epic Games Launcher
Steam Cloud




Audio feature State Notes
Separate volume controls
Surround sound
Closed captions
Mute on focus lost
Royalty free audio


Language UI Audio Sub Notes

Other information


Executable 32-bit 64-bit Notes

System requirements

Minimum Recommended
Operating system (OS) 8.1, 10
Processor (CPU) Intel Core i5-2400
AMD FX-6300
System memory (RAM) 8 GB
Hard disk drive (HDD) 20 GB
Video card (GPU) Nvidia GeForce GTX 670
AMD Radeon R9 270
DirectX 11 compatible
A 64-bit operating system is required.


  1. 1.0 1.1 File/folder structure within this directory reflects the path(s) listed for Windows and/or Steam game data (use Wine regedit to access Windows registry paths). Games with Steam Cloud support may store data in ~/.steam/steam/userdata/<user-id>/897730/ in addition to or instead of this directory. The app ID (897730) may differ in some cases. Treat backslashes as forward slashes. See the glossary page for details.


  1. The Epic Games Store isn't clear enough about early access games - last accessed on 2020-06-17
    "My problem is that the Epic Games Store communicates almost nothing about the state of the project. Looking at the store page for Among Trees, you can't easily tell that it's an early access game at all. The only mention is under the logo just below the trailer. It's not mentioned in the overview of the game or its features, its hardware specifications, or the 'About Game' section, or during the checkout process."
  2. Epic store added an early access warning - last accessed on 2020-07-03